‘La Rivista del Guanto’ (1962-1973), published by the Associazione Nazionale Guantai Italiani (National Association of Italian Glovemakers), was a fundamental showcase for the Italian glove industry, celebrating the quality craftsmanship of leading companies in the sector, many of which were in the entire Naples province, such as Ariston, Bertona, Portolano and many others. The magazine promoted gloves as accessories, and also reflected the evolution of style trends, from elegant designs to sporty gloves, marking a change in taste and everyday practices.
The companies’ advertisements, with many pictures and graphic details, played a crucial role in consolidating the image of craftsmanship excellence and promoting the quality of Italian products.
Glovemaker classes correspondence folder 1969-1974, Italian Leather Research Institute Archive, from which the following documents were selected:
1971 Manifesto by the Italian Leather Research Institute Archive, announcing the possibility of applying in the tender addressed to ‘Glove leather cutters and glove seamstresses’
1953 Manifesto by the Italian Leather Research Institute Archive, announcing the possibility of applying in the tender addressed to ‘Glovemakers and dyers’
Advertisement request by the by the Italian Leather Research Institute Archive, on IL MATTINO newspaper of Sunday, 26 September 1971 to promote the possibility of applying in the tender addressed to ‘Glove leather cutters and glove seamstresses’
Advertising on IL MATTINO newspaper Sunday, 26 September 1971 to promote the possibility of applying in the tender addressed to ‘Glove leather cutters and glove seamstresses’