2 – Glove Paths and stories of gloves in Naples


In 1963, an agreement signed between the Stazione Sperimentale (Italian Leather Research Institute) and the Associazione Nazionale Guantai Italiani (Italian Glove making National Association) assigned the companies the burden of paying trainees during the apprenticeship period, with an allowance of 150 Lire, without any distinction of gender. Emoluments for teachers also complied with the principle of equality: the male teachers responsible for training the cutters and the female teachers responsible for training the seamstresses received the same salary.
These provisions take on particular significance when placed in the social and cultural context of the time, which was characterised by limited attention to the rights of working women.
The glove-making school, with its innovative and inclusive practices, established itself as a ground-breaking example of equity and progress within the educational and productive landscape of the time.

Glove, Percorsi e storie di guanti a Napoli: alla Fondazione Banco di Napoli la mostra organizzata dalla SSIP. Inaugurazione Mercoledì 22 Gennaio 2025 ore 10.30.

La mostra sarà visitabile sino al 21 febbraio 2025. Info e prenotazioni c.grosso@ssip.it

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