
La SSIP a “Il futuro è il nostro partner”
La SSIP a “Il futuro è il nostro partner”

La SSIP a “Il futuro è il nostro partner” – l’ evento della più imponente realtà di ricerca nazionale sulla Circolarità e Sostenibilità del Made in Italy con presentazione dei bandi a cascata per coinvolgere nuovi partner

E’ online il nuovo numero di CPMC: “Innovazione sostenibile del Made In Italy”
E’ online il nuovo numero di CPMC: “Innovazione sostenibile del Made In Italy”

E’ online il nuovo numero della rivista CPMC – Cuoio Pelli e Materie Concianti, magazine ufficiale dalla Stazione Sperimentale per l’Industria delle pelli e delle materie concianti.

Anche questo è un numero molto speciale, poiché è il terzo, nonché edizione conclusiva, relativo alla celebrazione del centenario della rivista, caduta nel 2023.

Al via il nuovo corso ITS per i futuri Innovation Leather Manager
Al via il nuovo corso ITS per i futuri Innovation Leather Manager

Partirà il 28/12 il nuovo biennio del corso di “Tecnico superiore per il coordinamento dei processi di qualità, sostenibilità e innovazione tecnologica nella filiera dei prodotti in pelle”, promosso dalla Fondazione ITS MIA Moda Campania e coordinato dalla Stazione Sperimentale Pelli per l’Industria delle Pelli e delle Materie Concianti.

Al via la Conscious Leather Design Academy: la SSIP tra i partner
Al via la Conscious Leather Design Academy: la SSIP tra i partner

Il nuovo bando della International Conscious Leather Design Academy è stato presentato a Caserta negli scorsi giorni. Si tratta di una Academy per sviluppare un modello che unisca il design e il settore produttivo della pelle ed è proposta da Officina Vanvitelli, dipartimento dell’Università di Napoli “Luigi Vanvitelli” in collaborazione con Lineapelle.

La filiera pelle, l’evoluzione green ed il Made in Italy
La filiera pelle, l’evoluzione green ed il Made in Italy

Nuove opportunità per l’intera filiera pelle e cuoio. Potenziato, a Santa Croce sull’Arno, il ruolo di collaborazione della SSIP e del Poteco, il Polo Tecnologico Conciario costituito dalla imprenditoria conciaria, calzaturiera e contoterzista e dagli enti pubblici che rappresentano il Comprensorio del Cuoio e la Provincia di Pisa.

“The Future of Hides, a New Frontier”: anche la SSIP protagonista del simposio

Si è svolto lo scorso 18 settembre 2023 a Milano l’evento “The Future of Hides, a New Frontier, The worldwide development of the food sector in a synergic connection with the tanning industries”, organizzato dall’International Leather Split Group, in collaborazione con UNIC e la Stazione Sperimentale per l’Industria delle Pelli e delle Materie Concianti.


The “Glove school” hosted as exhibition at SSIP

The exhibition entitled “The Glove School of the Italian Leather Research Institute. A heritage that embraces tradition, education and innovation (1952-1975)” was inaugurated on April 17th 2023 at the headquarter of SSIP, located in the Adriano Olivetti Technology Park in Pozzuoli (Napoli).


The event is part of the initiatives for the centenary of “Cuoio Pelli Materie Concianti – CPMC”, the official magazine of the Institute whose first issue was published on August 6th 1923, as bouletin of the Royal Italian Leather Research Institute, founded in the year 1885. The first issue of CPMC in the current year, has a focus dedicated to “Leather and Made in Italy: the new tools for the sustainability and circularity of productions”.


During the last period, was launched a project to valorize the cultural heritage of the “Glove school” hosted at SSIP during more than 20 years (1952-1975) in the heart of Naples. As well known, the finest Italian gloves are crafted by Neapolitan designer and artisans since the 18th Century and the aim of the exhibition is to experience the magic of glove-making in order to preserve tradition and a precious Italian heritage. The design of the project was set up in collaboration with the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli Department of Architecture and industrial design, that realized the layout design and the arrangement of visual elements within the glove making items. As part of the exhibition, photos from the SSIP archive will be illustrated for the first time, narrating the development of the training courses and glove production steps, some of which items donated by the decommissioned company Sandro Temin glovemaker. The last section of the exhibition has been dedicated to the glove as an accessory and fashion language in the fashion system between the 50s and 70s. Educational visits are organized with schools and universities offering study courses related to design, fashion and craftsmanship.​ The way of made gloves always remained the same, but the shapes, colours, folds and finishes of each glove reflect the changes in taste, techniques and design that move the progressive style changes and movements influenced by the global fashion scene.​


The initiative was presented for SSIP by the general manager Edoardo Imperiale, Serena Iossa (Head of Polytechnic of Leather) and Carmelina Grosso (Head of the Library), coordinators of the exhibition. To follow, the speeches by Patrizia Ranzo (Department of Architecture and Industrial Design and Head of the Vanvitelli Officina, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli), Graziano Balducci (President of SSIP), Fulvia Bacchi (General Manager of UNIC – National Union of the Tanning Industry), Armida Filippelli (Councillor for Vocational Training of the Campania Region), Lise Moutoumalaya (General Consul of France in Naples), Sandro Temin (representative of a historic family of glove makers), Carlo Palmieri (President of the Moda Campania Foundation – Mia and Vice President of Sistema Moda Italia) and Gianni Russo (Russo di Casandrino and President LineaPelle, former president of Unic). The director of Mann – National Archaeological Museum of Naples Paolo Giulierini spoke via video connection.


The Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso, in a letter sent for the occasion to the Director Edoardo Imperiale, underlined: “The leather glove is an accessory in which the essence of Made in Italy is concentrated: craftsmanship, originality, elegance and exclusivity. A sector that continues to preserve, with unchanged passion, the know-how of our craftsmen and which over the years has been able to evolve to preserve its competitiveness. Protection of traditional values ​​and ever greater attention to innovation: a combination at the basis of the renewed success of Made in Italy, well summarized by your sector, and which sees the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy actively engaged alongside businesses. The exhibition also offers the opportunity to enhance the charm of a craft handed down for decades, giving substance to a cultural operation that will characterize the next few months of government action. With the next bill on Made in Italy we will push forward initiatives to promote and valorize the heritage of our country, intervening significantly in the process of training skills. The message must pass that even the manual and creative work, which characterizes the glove like any other Made in Italy product, is art”.



From left to right: Prof Ranzo, DG Imperiale, dott.ssa Iossa, Dott.ssa Grosso


From left to right: dott. Palmieri, DG Imperiale, Console Moutoumalaya, Ass. Filippelli



From left to right: dott.ssa Bacchi, DG Imperiale, dott. Temin, Presidente Balducci




For Information please contact:  c.grosso@ssip.it  – Tel. +39 081 5979112


Dr. Ms Carmelina Grosso

Head of Library and Documentation Service, Stazione Sperimentale per l’Industria delle Pelli e delle materie concianti (SSIP) /
Scientific coordinator and critical historical research of the exhibition “House of glove”




Glove, Percorsi e storie di guanti a Napoli: alla Fondazione Banco di Napoli la mostra organizzata dalla SSIP. Inaugurazione Mercoledì 22 Gennaio 2025 ore 10.30.

La mostra sarà visitabile sino al 21 febbraio 2025. Info e prenotazioni c.grosso@ssip.it

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