The training of glovemaker, leather dyers and glove seamstresses was an important initiative to meet the needs of the industrial and artisan classes.
They recognised the glove-making school as an effective means of training young workers in the skills needed to produce high-quality gloves. The initiative has received significant support and funding from many different institutions over time. At first, the Ministry of Industry and Trade provided the necessary support to start this educational project. Subsequently, the Ministry of Labour, Banco di Napoli and the Chamber of Commerce of Naples also contributed to the school’s funding, alongside the ISVEIMER (which stands for Istituto per lo Sviluppo Economico dell’Italia Meridionale – Public institution for the economic development of southern Italy, established by Royal Decree No. 883/3 June 1938, reorganised by Law 298/11 April 1953 and put into liquidation in 1996).
This support network highlights a historic sensitivity to investing in vocational training initiatives, to ensure quality production and the renewal of skills in this sector, which is crucial for the competitiveness of the industry.
The Board of Directors of the Banco di Napoli resolves to grant a contribution of 2,000 Lire to the “Stazione Sperimentale delle Pelli e delle Materie Concianti” in Naples for propaganda expenses, for the ‘Uni-Dea’ seed stimulant initiative, considering the practical importance of this invention for Italian agriculture.
Banco di Napoli Historical Archives, Minutes of the Board of Directors’ Meeting, 15 September 1933 (p. 153)
The Board of Directors of Banco di Napoli approves the proposal to grant 500,000 Lire to the Stazione Sperimentale delle Pelli e delle Materie Concianti in Naples for vocational courses for glovemakers.
Banco di Napoli Historical Archives, Minutes of the Board of Directors’ Meeting, 6 September 1951 (p. 157 bis)
The Board of Directors of the Banco di Napoli resolves to grant a contribution amounting to 500,000 Lire to the Stazione Sperimentale delle Pelli e delle Materie Concianti in Naples for vocational training courses in the 1956/1957 financial year.
Banco di Napoli Historical Archives, Minutes of the Institute for the Economic Development of Southern Italy, 11 October 1951 (p. 36)
The Administrative Committee resolves to grant a ‘one-off’ contribution of 1 million Lire to the Stazione Sperimentale delle Pelli e delle Materie Concianti in Naples for vocational training courses.
Banco di Napoli Historical Archives, Minutes of the Institute for the Economic Development of Southern Italy, 30 January 1953 (p. 255)
The Administrative Committee of the Banco di Napoli resolves to grant a contribution of 500,000 Lire to the Stazione Sperimentale delle Pelle e delle Materie Concianti in Naples for vocational training courses in the 1956/1957 financial year.
Banco di Napoli Historical Archives, Minutes of the Board of Directors’ Meeting, 23 January 1957 (p. 197)
/ Exhibition that celebrates the leather glove as a symbol of artisanal excellence, sustainability and technological innovation /